A Special Message Just for You

Hello Friend, There are times in life where defeat is inevitable. It’s what we do with defeat that really matters. It can knock the wind out of you, and it will try hard to keep you down, but don’t let defeat hold you back. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back in the […]

A Special Message for You

Hello Friend, We have the Power of the Universe, and all of our Angels, ready to give us whatever we desire. There are no limits in the Mind of the Divine. What we want to create, we CAN create! Remember that you are a powerful being in this unlimited supply of good. Grasp it today […]

A Special Message Just for You!

Hello My Friend, Home is our safe place and our place of comfort. Our home needs our attention and our love. It also requires boundaries from time to time. Keep your home your castle and your refuge. “My home is filled with love, peace, harmony, joy, and positive energy.” —Anjana D. Kumar Warmly, Regina’s Schedule […]

Special Message for You

Hello Friend, I have been a bit under the weather lately. I am now focused on pure health and I thought you might need this too. This is my prayer for you and your family. My body is the expression of the Divine and as the expression of the Divine, it is filled with health, […]

Special Message for You

Hello Friend, Remember that change does not have to happen all at once. Making small changes makes a huge impact. You don’t have to do everything at once. Just do what you can today. That’s good enough. Take pride in the fact that you’re moving toward a larger goal. “It is often the small steps, […]

Special Message for You

Hello Friend, It’s important to connect with your spiritual self. Being spiritual is different for everyone. Some go to church or synagogues. Some meditate. Some read books. Some find a spiritual connection with music or nature. The path to enlightenment is a personal one. Whatever feels right and good for you, that is the path […]

Special Message for You

I don’t know about you, but I know that I fell down many times in my life and at times it was easy to get back up and keep moving, but other times, It took time and a lot of effort to get through difficult moments in life. They can feel like an eternity when […]