Hello My Friend! “Adhere to your purpose and you will soon feel as well as you ever did.On the contrary, if you falter, and give up, you will lose the power of keeping any resolution, and will regret it all your life.” —Abraham Lincoln Oh boy! I definitely regret things from my past and wish […]
A Special Message for You!
Hello my friend, Fear can be crippling. I decide to trust in my Higher Power and that fear is wiped away. It saves me a lot of heartache and stress. I am grateful for the trust I have in the Divine. “The beginning of wisdom is to do away with fear.” —Yohannes Gebregeorgis Warmly, Regina’s […]
A Special Message for You!
Hello my friend, I realized years ago that hanging onto someone who just isn’t going to be there for me is only going to cause me more pain. Letting go opens me up to new experiences. There can never be a void unless we create the void. Stay open for the Divine to bring us […]
A Very Special Message for You!
Hello my friend, Today may be looking kind of rough or difficult. Remember that this too shall pass and you will find the rainbow on the other side. Nothing is permanent. Everything is part of the cycle of life. Hang on through this challenge and you will learn something of great value and you will […]
A Special Message for You!
Hello, When I have lots to do and it’s feeling overwhelming, my first reaction is to stop doing anything. Today, there are very important things that I have to do. I do Prayer Treatment (also known as positive prayer) for the strength to get these things done and in a timely manner. The only thing […]
A Special Message for You!
Hello! I want to take a moment to tell you how much I appreciate you and the time that you take to contact me for answers to your pressing needs. It’s an honor to help you. I don’t take you for granted at all. You give me the opportunity to help you and that means […]
A Special Message for You!
Greetings Friends, Today, I am reminded of how important it is to build friendships and take time out to just have fun! Life isn’t always easy. There are daily tasks to manage; emotional issues that can come up; taking care of responsibilities; and giving to others. I need to remember to take time with friends […]
A Special Valentine’s Day Message for You!
Hello My Friends, Happy Valentine’s Day! Be surrounded by the ones that you love, whether it be a spouse, partner, children, extended family, good friends, pets, or anyone else that you love and who loves you. Anyone can be our valentine. I received, in the mail, a beautiful valentine from my 4-year-old granddaughter. She made […]
A Very Special Valentine’s Message for You!
Greetings Friends, Valentine’s Day can be a wonderful celebration for couples but it can also be a painful or a lonely one for others. I learned a long time ago not to wait around for my Valentine’s gift from my significant other, or the invitation to go out on a date on that day. If […]