Music of the Heart

Music really does soothe the soul.  When we are weary, music can lift our spirits and guide us to the Divine Within.  Quiet, meditative music is nice, but it isn’t the end all for connecting with loving ourselves and loving others.  There is a wide variety of music that will bring us to the center […]

Learn Quick Connecting to Spirit Techniques

There are an abundance of ways to go within and to connect with the God within. Here are few that I’ve used that work great!  Can’t get in to see a your pastor or spiritual advisor today? Overwhelmed or frustrated and need answers NOW?  Grab the bible, or even a book or magazine close by. […]

Acupunture does not have to be painful.

While the needles used in Acupuncture are not generally painful, there are many people who are afraid of needles.  That’s the wonderful thing about Acu-Current.  It is non-invasive, safe, and very effective.   I’ve had great success with treating individuals with Acu-Current.  It is as beneficial as traditional Acupuncture.  It treats all of the same issues […]

Meditation Tip

Meditation does not necessarily have to be sitting in a yoga position with your thumb and index finger touching lightly and repeating “ohhhhmmmmm”. Meditation is different for each person. The ultimate goal is to relax the mind, body, and spirit. It may be done with listening to music, walking in nature, gardening, or sitting quietly. […]

Spiritual Intuition

All of us are gifted with spiritual intuition. It is not a phenomenon. It is natural gift given at our birth. It is a Divine ability. For example, we sense danger or we feel good about a person or a situation. It is an ingrown awareness of our surroundings. We use it all of the […]

A Personal Journal

Keeping a Personal Journal is a simple way of recording our thoughts and our journey here in this realm. It also enriches our spiritual life. It allows for a more focused passage into our connect to God and it strengthens our relationship with the Divine. By keeping a record of our journey, we see more […]