Loved Ones Who Have Passed

It’s so devastating when we lose someone so close to us that we don’t even know what to do, or how to do it without them. Our love for them makes it so hard to understand how this can happen. We go into a state of shock. The world keeps revolving and we are stopped […]

Depp/Heard Trial

I don’t know about you, but I have been really involved in the Depp/Heard trrial. In between chats and calls, I am addicted to what’s going to happen with the jury and their decision. I personally had an experience with a domestic violence situation many years ago and mine was very real and very frightening. […]

Angels All Around Us

Angels surround us, guard us, comfort us, and speak to us. We may not hear them, but they are talking with us in that still, small voice. We remember this voice on a deep, spiritual level even if we cannot hear the voice with our human ears. When we lie down to sleep, our Guardian […]

Sad Time in Texas

It’s a very sad time for Texas and the families who lost their littles ones and the death of the adult in this case, as well as the injured. Sending Love & Light to all involved. God bless you all!

Faith in the Divine

I know that the Divine is my source of all my good. Everything that I have, I have because of the Eternal Giving from the Almighty. I know that every need I have is already taken care of in the MInd of God and I accept my good. And so it is!

Let Go & Let God

Today, I am learning to let go and trust the Divine and know that all is well in God’s Universe. I am well taken care of in all aspects of my life. I let go and let God do amazing things for me and for my family. And so it is! Namaste

Overcoming Obstacles

Life is filled with new challenges everyday. I lean into them and learn something new every time. I thank God for the strength to overcome and to enjoy the accomplishments.

Grateful List

I’m sitting in my RV and it’s pouring rain outside. The sound of the rain is awesome. Today, I am moving my thoughts to the good in my life and the beauty around me. Here is my grateful list: I am grateful for my kids. I am grateful for the view that I have of […]

Sowing Love

I’m sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted here. Life has been crazy busy. I just received an email from Walmart that this is National Sewing Month. I didn’t even know there was such a thing. I haven’t sewn anything in years but it reminds me to focus for today on sowing love in […]

Constant Protection & Guidance

Since I will be traveling again to northern Idaho, and I’m sure there will be many travelers along the way, I want to take a moment to remember that I am surrounded by the Light of the Divine. As I leave my home, and while I am traveling to and fro, God is with me […]