Psychic Readings

Every reader has their own style and their own gifts. Mine are specific question oriented. The more specific the question, the more specific the answers from your Angels and Spirit Guides. That doesn’t mean that you have to tell me every detail, just what it is that you want to know. I only need the first names of the person I am reading for, and any other first names you may be asking about. I do not need birthdates or astrological signs. I generally pray before each reading that your Angels and Spirit Guides guide me and give me what you need to know, but not always what you want to hear. I have experienced times when I answer a question and the person immediately ends the chat or call. It’s obvious that they did not want to hear the truth. My guess is they call or chat with other advisors until they get the the answer that they want to hear, and that’s fine. It’s important that you ask for the truth. What good does it do for me, for example, to tell someone, a person is right for them, if I am getting that they are not going to happy and fulfilled in their relationship. Come to your advisors with an open mind and an open heart.

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