A Special Message for You!

Hello Friend,

Humans instinctively seek enlightenment. Benjamin Franklin was the first person to talk about it openly and he believed it was essential to seek enlightenment. Enlightenment is a process that brings calmness, deeper understanding, and increased happiness. Becoming enlightened is about going within and truly knowing yourself and your greater purpose in life. Meditation is one way that brings better understanding. You’ve heard of soul searching, I’m sure. We use that term to mean that we take time to really look at ourselves and make decisions based on those insights. The deeper reason for looking within is realizing that we are a very small part of the Universe and everything and everyone within it. We are part of the “Whole”. It’s a time of looking at ourselves and finding out if we are fulfilling our reason for being here. Everyone has a spiritual path. Everyone also has their own journey within their spiritual path. Part of a spiritual path is finding out how we can be of service to others. How can we make a positive impact on the people around us? Avenues to enlightenment can be through meditation, yoga, spiritual/religious studies, music, and art. These are only a few of the wide range of avenues to enlightenment. It’s a personal choice for each person. Keep in mind, it’s a journey and not a destination.

Meditation is not about clearing the mind; it’s about noticing you got lost, and then returning.—Gelong Thubten


Regina’s Schedule

All provided times below are in Pacific Standard Time (PST).

  • Thursday
    • 6:30 PM – 12:00 AM
  • Friday
    • 6:30 PM – 12:00 AM
  • Saturday
    • 12:00 PM – 12:00 AM
  • Sunday
    • 12:00 PM – 12:00 AM
  • Monday
    • 6:30 PM – 12:00 AM
  • Tuesday
    • 6:30 PM – 12:00 AM
  • Thursday
    • 6:30 PM – 12:00 AM
Posted in Blog.